Roast Scout

Roast Scout is a coffee discovery service. We work with independent roasters to deliver a new small-batch coffee to our members every month.

coffee mug

We love coffee. So, when we set out to get into this business, we spent a lot of time thinking about what we would want in a coffee subscription service. What would make a subscription a better option than just running to our local grocer or coffee shop and picking up a bag of beans?


What dawned on us pretty quickly is that so much of the fun we experience when drinking coffee is the excitement of trying something new. Why offer a service that just brings people the same coffee over and over? After all, variety is the spice of life, right?

After meditating on this for a while we realized that a great subscription service should deliver coffee serendipity.

Imagine if you had the luxury of being able to aimlessly wander the country popping into local coffee shops to sample their coffee.

bag of coffee

That is the experience that Roast Scout aims to deliver. (The coffee, not the hypothetical endless vacation.) Every month we want to bring our members something that will excite them and expand their coffee horizons.

pledge salute

Made with coffee mug by Clover Partners. © 2018